SOC 2 Scope

Find it difficult to specify the extent of your SOC 2 audit? SOC 2 scope defines during an audit which systems and procedures need scrutiny. This post will help you to arrange your company’s SOC 2 scope clearly.

Prepare yourself to up your game on data security.

SOC 2 Audit Scope’s Elements

SOC 2 audits concentrate on important components of a company’s security architecture. These consist of the particular services under examination and the Trust Service Criteria.

Choose Trust Service Objectives

A SOC 2 audit depends mostly on selecting appropriate Trust Service Criteria. Businesses have to choose one of five criteria at least: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Every audit requires security, of course. It sets the foundation for other standards.

In the digital era, trust rests mostly on security.

Companies should choose criteria depending on their client expectations and requirements. A cloud storage company may, for instance, give availability and confidentiality top priority. Privacy would most certainly be included in a healthcare app to protect patient records.

Every decision determines the extent of the audit and the required controls a business has to set.

Find Services Not Covered

It is important to decide which services to include within a SOC 2 audit. Businesses have to consider every aspect of their business and choose the ones managing private information. This covers any service gathering, storing, handling, or forwarding of personal data.

One should consider systems including access limits, firewalls, and intrusion detection mechanisms.

This approach depends much on client agreements. They depict what consumers depend on and anticipate. Most reports overlook minor, pointless elements and services tailored for certain consumers. Still, they do cover sub-service companies.

These are outside organizations supporting important chores. Looking at all these elements helps a corporation to clearly define its SOC 2 scope.

Important SOC 2 Compliance Guidelines

Compliance with SOC 2 includes important criteria you have to fulfill. These include maintaining detailed records of your procedures and building robust security measures.

Key Controls and Standards

Five main Trust Services Criteria drive SOC 2 audits. These standards include security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy and comprise 64 particular requirements.

For any SOC 2 audit, security is very essential. To safeguard data, it need strict access limits and well defined policies.

Companies have to build appropriate controls if they want to satisfy SOC 2 criteria. This implies reviewing internal systems and vendor risk factors. Good access limits indicate how well a corporation protects data.

These actions assist to prevent security issues before they occur. The following section will address explicitly how to document attempts toward compliance.

Effective Compliance Documentation

SOC 2 audits depend critically on good compliance documentation. It covers control programs, risk analyses, and security policies. These records show your business adhers to security guidelines.

They also demonstrate your management of hazards and protection of private information.

One concrete proof of following security guidelines is documentation.

These papers need regular updating. They provide clear information to stakeholders, therefore supporting audits. Good documentation consists of control matrices, management assertions, and system descriptions.

Dealing with outside auditors helps your compliance records to be better. This helps the audit process to be more clear and seamless.

Types of SOC 2 Exams

Two basic forms exist for SOC 2 audits: Type 1 and Type 2. These audits vary in scope and length but each have a different function for companies trying for compliance.

Type 2 vs. Type 1 Audits

There are two forms of SOC 2 audits: Type 1 and Type 2. Every has special advantages and a particular use.

Audits Type 1 and Type 2

Checks control design one moment in time.Reviews regulate efficiency throughout six plus months.

Less costly substituteMore extensive evaluation

Notes on design of security control.Reviews on control design and operation

quicker in finishingtakes more but exhibits continuous compliance.

Perfect for first-time audits or new systemsPerfect for seasoned systems and recurrent inspections

Type 1 audits provide a fast view of your controls. For first-time audits or new systems, they perform admisably. Type 2 audits examine your controls over time more closely. These fit repeat audits and mature systems. Your requirements and objectives will determine your option.

Selecting Correct Audit Type for Your Company

For your business, choosing the correct SOC 2 audit type counts. Type 1 audits look at your systems once at one location. Though less comprehensive, they are cheaper and speedier. Typically six months, type 2 audits assess your systems over an extended time.

Though they take more time and cost more, they provide a better picture of your security.

Your decision will rely on your objectives and available means. Many times, new businesses start Type 1 in order to get a rapid return. Type 2 may be needed by larger companies or those with rigorous customer needs. Consider your client requirements, timetable, and budget.

Think about also the complexity of your systems. While a large network calls for Type 2, a basic configuration may only require Type 1.

How to Get Ready for a SOC 2 Audit

Getting ready for a SOC 2 audit calls for deliberate preparation. Businesses have to act strategically to make sure they are completely ready for this significant task.

List Important Policies, Systems, and People

You have to identify key policies, procedures, and staff members in order ready for a SOC 2 audit. Start by enumerating all security policies and procedures safeguarding your information. Then chart the IT systems managing private data.

Remember also access restrictions, encryption mechanisms, and monitoring systems.

Important responsibilities in SOC 2 compliance include those of Executive Sponsor, Project Manager, and IT Security team member. The Primary Author creates management assertions and system descriptions. Often helping with preparedness tests are third-party specialists.

Make sure everyone among them understands their roles in upholding SOC 2 standards year-round.

Conduct SOC 2 Readiness Exams

Assessments on SOC 2 preparedness enable companies to be ready for audits. A service auditor looks at whether a business follows SOC 2 guidelines. Based on size and scope, these checks run $10,000 to $17,000.

At the end the auditor summarizes his results. Early inspections by companies will help to solve any issues.

One needs certain paperwork for readiness inspections. These include documentation of following policies and remarks from supervisors. Key policies, procedures, and personnel are under audit scrutiny. It also looks at how the company manages data and maintains security.

By doing this preliminary work, companies may pass their actual SOC 2 audit under less pressure.

Techniques for Continuous SOC 2 Compliance

Maintaining SOC 2 compliance is not an occasional chore. It calls both constant work and clever tools. Automated technologies let businesses monitor and handle year-round compliance responsibilities.

Apply year-round compliance strategies.

Compliance with SOC 2 is not a once-occurrence. It requires constant maintenance year-round. Businesses have to arrange continuous inspections to be safe. This covers routinely updated policies and risk analyses.

It also implies routinely undertaking internal audits. These actions enable fast identification of new hazards.

Companies should make use of instruments to monitor their security mechanisms. These might include access control systems and data encryption. A strong strategy also includes personnel security best practice training.

Companies who accomplish these things all year will remain ready for their next SOC 2 audit.

Boost Efficiency with SOC 2 Automation Tools

Tools for SOC 2 automation help to increase compliance activities’ efficiency. These instruments provide automatic evidence collecting and ongoing control monitoring. They lessen the requirement for outside assistance and cut away hand labor.

Drata’s platform, for instance, maintains companies audit-ready always and simplifies procedures. By alerting teams to illegal access or inadequate training, this program helps to avert security events.

Automation saves time and sharpens interactions with auditors. It frees businesses from being mired in compliance chores so they may concentrate on their main business. These solutions provide a detailed picture of a company’s security position with capabilities including real-time monitoring and instantaneous reporting.

Furthermore, they more successfully preserve sensitive data and assist to uphold data privacy than hand procedures.


Good data protection is mostly dependent on SOC 2 scope. A carefully specified scope guarantees comprehensive system and control assessment. It lets businesses satisfy consumer expectations on data security.

Frequent scope investigations Make audits relevant as corporate requirements evolve. Good risk management and more accurate SOC 2 reports follow from proper scoping.